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Kubeshift is a multi-provider Python library for Kubernetes (kube) and Openshift (shift). We connect and communicate with each container orchestator 100% through their TLS (if available) HTTP API.


  • 100% HTTP API
  • Auto-parsing of ~/.kube/config
  • .kube/config generation
  • TLS authentication
  • 100% test coverage with functional and integration tests

Library installation


sudo pip install kubeshift

Manual / development

git clone https://github.com/cdrage/kubeshift && cd kubeshift
make install

Python requirements

▶ cat requirements.txt

Configuration import

The configuration file used with the provider must be an object. Currently we support the import and generation of Kubernetes and OpenShift configuration files .

import kubeshift

# Import the configuration, this can be either from a file
config = kubeshift.Config.from_file("/home/user/.kube/config")

# Or generated via a set of parameters
config_params = kubeshift.Config.from_params(context_name="default", username="default", api="https://localhost:8080", auth="foobar", ca="/home/user/.kube/ca.cert", verify=True, filepath=None)

# Client connection
k8s_client = kubeshift.KubernetesClient(config)
oc_client = kubeshift.OpenshiftClient(config)

Named Query methods

API calls are also available via their corresponding method. Each call returns a Query object used to retrieve and filter.

Methods Sourced through discovery

  • http://localhost:8080/apis
  • http://localhost:8080/oapi

Full example:

import kubeshift
import getpass

# Example k8s object
k8s_object = {"apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": {"labels": {"app": "hellonginx"}, "name": "hellonginx"}, "spec": {
    "containers": [{"image": "nginx", "name": "hellonginx", "ports": [{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80, "protocol": "TCP"}]}]}}

# Client configuration
user = getpass.getuser()
config = kubeshift.Config.from_file("/home/%s/.kube/config" % user)
client = kubeshift.KubernetesClient(config)

# Main methods
client.create(k8s_object)  # Creates the k8s object
# client.scale(k8s_object, replicas=3) # Scales the k8s object (if it's a service)
client.delete(k8s_object)  # Deletes the k8s object

# API calls

# Namespaces

# Pods
client.pods().filter(namespace="default", status="Running")